Sunday, 6 January 2013

Dear God,




If God grants me a wish. There's only one thing I'd ever wish for. 

I wish to have a female best friend. The one I can really rely on. Share everything with. The one who will not judge me. So we can share stories, shoulders, tears,laughter, joy and everything together. 

Dear God, that is all I'm asking for.I just want a female best friend.





  1. kakak awak jadi tak kawin dengan one of your family member?

  2. dear....
    reading (knowing) this make me tears apart...
    coz... it's means I failed to be your girlfriend(or even never?) ;(

    All the best exam!
    take care!

    -one of your "Geng Belakang" mates
    *miss your laugh :')

    1. Bukan.. Thats not what I mean.. Just that, I hoped that I'd have a bestfriend here in UM. It's really hard to find one. huhu. Nie siapa? Zek eh?? ke Zulaikhom? You guys do know that korang irreplaceable. :)

    2. seeeee!!!
      haishhh.. rasa nak buat your 'ribut melanda' je tau sekarang ni...
      my name tercicir la ni...
      teka2! haha

      uit! uit!
      happy holiday dear! <3

    3. haha...
      sorry la seyh...
      meraban kat sini.. ahaks!
      nnt klu kte jmp, sila masak utk saye (apakah?).. haha

  3. Ermm.. Saya orang yg komen first tu.. Kenapa awak cakap thanks to me? Saya kawan kakak awak tapi tak rapat sangat. Dia pon tak tau saya tau pasal tu. Minta maaf kalau saya buat awak marah..

  4. Heiii baru nak marah dekat my BFF ni. Rupa-rupanya takde kawan UM macam kitorang. Seha, aku bukan gang meja belakang. geng meja belakang tu nama dia 'SIKU' hehehehe...

    -Zek Comel-

    1. amboi zek!
      SIKU yeee...
      jmp nnt, siku hang~~
