Monday, 9 December 2013

Natrah Bte Maarof

Natrah bte Maarof / Huberdina Maria Hertogh

When I was given this character, I was dumbfounded. I wasn’t really sure of my capabilities. Can I do this? I asked myself again and again. I’m a law student and acting is not my area of expertise. So it’s not easy for me. Really. Tambahan pulak watak Natrah ni sangat sukar untuk dibawa. Because Natrah is a character filled with emotions, and vulnerabilities. A child torn between the love of two mothers, two religions and a soul so pure, so genuine, so innocent. I instantly fell in love with this character. 

When I did my own research on Natrah, I can’t help but to cry. Her story is so sad that I could not hold back my tears. And a little by a little, I started to feel her pain. I went to the library and read her case. And again, I cried. I watched a documentary of her life made by Datin Fatini Yaacob. Sumpah kesian hidup Natrah ni. Starting from the day perebutan tu berlaku, sampai ke akhir hayat dia, hidup dia miserable. 

So to bring her story on stage, and to portray myself as Natrah, what more to make people feel what she felt, made me feel so small. Rasa tak mampu dan tak layak. Lagi pun, Teater Natrah ni dah pernah dipentaskan kat Istana Budaya, twice. Also under arahan Puan Erma Fatima. Kalau nak tengok yang IB punya ni,  SILA LIHAT DI SINI . Watak Natrah was played by Maya Karin, Mak Aminah was played by Umie Aida, and Mansur Adabi was played by Remy Ishak. So lagi lah rasa kerdil if anyone were to compare mereka yang sangat professional ni dengan kita orang ni. Maya Karin did a really good job menjadi Natrah. So yeah, I was scared.

And at first, I was really shocked when Puan Erma Fatima picked me to become Natrah. I was like.. Me? Really? Tapi, apabila dibimbing oleh Puan Erma, Encik Rashid (especially), Kakak Zam I started to have more confidence in myself. Latihan agak banyak. And I have to balance my studies dengan latihan. Quite difficult tapi I managed to do it somehow. And teater ni bukan sahaja ada lakonan, but ada tarian jugak. So there you go. I need to act and dance perfectly. Kakak Oggy was the choreographer. Susah tu memang lah susah because I’m a bit slow in dancing. LOL. But then, bila dah practice hari hari, bak kata Puan Erma, boleh laaaaa daripada tak ada. Haha. Walaupon time show tu ada lah nampak jugak kekayuan time menari tu. Haha. 

Show ada dua hari. 6 dan 7 Disember. And on both days, ada kekurangan dan kesilapan yang berlaku. But if you ask me, I think the first day was better. Nervous tu sangat membantu untuk perform dengan baik. Nak kena jaga emotions and expression, nak kena make sure suara kuat, and paling penting, I have to make the audience believe that I am Natrah. It's difficult. But I love it. When the spotlight hit me, and I was blinded by it, there's nothing that I could think of, other than just doing it. The feeling was surreal. HAHA. I sound so jakun. LOL. Yelah. This is my first time acting on ET's stage. Rasa overwhelmed. And then, bila dengar review and comments from those who came, ramai yang kata best, I feel happy. Very happy actually. 

My two darlings, Emma and Husna datang on both days! HAHA. I feel loved sangat sangat! Famili Halusinasi pon ramai gila yang datang. Aloi siap turun from Sarawak! And my Team Gatdem also ramai yang datang. *hugs* Cuma my Random Babies, Kakak Hani sorang je yang datang. But never mind.  Tu pon dah mencukupi. And most importantly, my bestie Zaza came to see me perform! Terharu! Hehe. Izzat also came. Thank you, awk. And you know what? Tiket habis dijual on both days! Full house I’m telling you! Second day tu lagi dasyat lah sebab sampai ada yang duduk atas lantai. Sebab kerusi dah full. HOHO. I’m waiting for the video to come out. Harap technical team ada lah yang rakam. =.=’ And harap, I don't sound weird in the video because I have always hated how I sound in any videos. 

Overall, I have learned a lot from this production. I learned more about myself actually. Dan macam-macam lah. To Sir Murali, Puan Erma, Encik Rashid, Kakak Zam, Kakak Oggy, thank you so much for guiding me. Seronok sangat bekerja under korang! To Abang Mansur Adabi, you're the best partner ever. Thank you sebab banyak ajar saya, made me laugh, and I will surely miss you picking on me and all of your lame jokes. To Mak Aminah, I just love you. Mak adalah seorang pelakon yang sangat bagus! Puteh harap mak akan sentiasa berjaya! kepada Norhan Fahmie kerana make up saya supaya jadi cantik (haha), kepada semua pelakon yang lain yang banyak memberi sokongan, adik-adik asasi yang menari dengan hebat sangat, crew yang membantu dalam semua aspek (costume, backstage, lighting, audio, dan lain-lain), and everyone yang terlibat in this production. I can never thank you enough. Natrah Theater Production has a very special place in my heart. And I love all of you very dearly. Semoga dapat berkerjasama lagi di masa akan datang.  Hopefully.  Amin. 

And ouh! Here are some of the photos during the show. Enjoy!



  1. congrats!!
    xdapat datang! sedihnya.. kalau ade rakaman smula nk tgk taw yana..

  2. Salam awak. Kakak awak jadi ke kawin dengan abang fendi? Ke dia dah back with shahir?
