Thursday, 26 April 2012

Wake up!

People are people. We are no super heroes. All those fictional characters? Yes, it's a lie. Can fly, invisible, super strong,  can freeze things, master of metals, can cause massive destruction on things with their very two eyes, body is made of steel and sharp claws can easily pop out of the knuckles, can create storm, a spider, a bat, a cicak (if you get which character I'm referring to), and what not? You tell me. I can list them 10 pages long, of all the super heroes I know. You can say how heroic, heartless, or cold even, about these characters. But they all resulted to one conclusion. Unreal.

Yes, these super heroes born from the wild and unlimited imagination of the human minds. No matter how infused these characters are in our life, how the movie makers, the actors and actresses try to make them believable, and real, but it is to no avail. Even the mind of a child cannot be tricked anymore, these days. We are the homo sapiens, and yes, we are fragile, in every way. Once a bullet penetrate our skin, a pin pricks our finger, a knife cuts our flesh, we can feel the pain.  It's a combo. Not just that, even words, actions and also omissions can leave a deep wound, a huge scar. In fact, words can penetrate even deeper than swords if you ask me.

So what's my point? I'm just telling all of you that people are people. Ok, I'm repeating this. Never mind. My contention is, people are no Hercules, and we are no Hulk. We have feelings, we are balls of emotions, we hurt and we hate, what more to love and to be loved? Yes, people make mistakes, it's either we forgive and forget, or we hold an endless grudge and let vendetta swallow our sense of humanity. You decide. 

P/s: I'm good at shouting. Goodbye!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you're good at MC-ing. annndddd, you're gorgeous!
